Father Hoe Pereira

Fr. Joe Pereira is the founder and Managing Trustee of the Kripa Foundation, founded in 1981, which is devoted to the care, support and rehabilitation of those affected by Chemical Dependency and HIV & AIDS. He has facilities all over India as well as in Europe, Canada and the USA.

He is widely known as the “Singing Priest”; he holds a Master’s degree in Psychology & Philosophy from the University of Bombay as well as other Licentiates and certifications from various institutions in India and the States. His most cherished Academic achievements, is his decades of involvement with Yoga, first as a patient, pupil and practitioner, then in later years as a Certified Trainer and in recent decades as a friend, associate and an International Mentor of the Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar School of Yoga, Pune.

Our bodies never tell lies and so by learning to listen to the Body in a manner in which Iyengar Yoga does leads one from simple relaxation to what is called "Remembered Wellness" and finally what scientists call the "Faith Factor".
